Abstract Guidelines

Welcome to the webiste of the abstract submission of the SophI.A Summit 2024 Conference. The main website of the conference is https://univ-cotedazur.eu/events/sophia-summit.

Abstract submission is now open and requires an user accountyou can use the same username and password you use to register on hal.archives-ouvertes.fr. Please click on the Login icon or if you do not have an account please first click on the arrow next to the Login icon and select “create an account”.

Contributions are solicited on the following topics, in the form of posters or technical demonstrations:

  • Developments in the foundations of AI,
  • AI and health,
  • AI and biology,
  • AI and smart territory,
  • AI and management,
  • Sustainable AI.

These themes will be addressed in a transdisciplinary manner, including scientific, economic, sociological, and ethical aspects. Sessions will cover specific themes, and will include invited or keynote speeches, oral presentations, as well as posters and demonstrations.

Please submit at your earliest convenience, and no later than October 10 2024.

Submissions should be drafted in English and may concern ongoing work, reviews or even contributions that have already been presented/published in other conferences (in that case, the relevant papers should be cited).

Each submission will have to include up to 6 keywords, for classification purposes..

Submissions for a poster take the form of a 2,500-character abstract (including spaces) accompanied by bibliographic references. An appendix in PDF format (e.g., to provide a figure or image) can be added to the submission. 

Submissions for a demo take the form of a 2,500-character abstract (including spaces). Demos of commercial AI tools are not suitable. The abstract must justify how the demonstrated AI tools apply to use cases that raise issues of general interest.

Authors will be informed about the acceptance of their submission at the latest by October 20 2024. Please note you can track the status of your submitted abstract online.

Best PhD student poster award

All presented posters by PhD students are eligible for nomination for this award, which consists of a certificate and a cash prize, given to the corresponding author of the poster.

Best CIFRE PhD student poster award

All presented posters by PhD students with an AITR (Industrial Agreement of Training through Research) contract are eligible for nomination for this award, which consists of a certificate and a cash prize, given to the corresponding author of the poster.

Best demo award

This award consists of a certificate and a 2cash prize, given to the corresponding author of the best demo. Only authors from (any) industry are eligible.

Both the SophI.A Summit Scientific Committee and members of the organizing institutions will review and select best posters and demos. Selections are based on two criteria:  scientific outcome and overall clarity of presentation.

Please note that registration is mandatory to participate in the conference even if your contribution is accepted, 2024 pass rates and registrations are available on this page


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